Athletic Therapy / Thérapie du sport

Osteopathy / Osteopathie

Dietetics / Diététique

Massage Therapy / Masso Thérapie

Fascia Stretch Therapy / Thérapie d'étirement des fascias

Kinesiology / Kinésiologie

Personal Training / Entrainment privé

Physiotherapy / Physiothérapie

Being a former FST patient prior to becoming a practitioner, my main objective for my clients is helping them alleviate the heaviness that chronic pain brings to one’s life. Knowing that it was possible to manage the pain and improve mobility, was for me the first step to a healthier lifestyle - and am more than happy to guide others!

Being a former FST patient prior to becoming a practitioner, my main objective for my clients is ... Lire davantage

In patient care, my primary goals involve effectively managing inflammation and irritation while enhancing mobility. Additionally, I provide personalized tips for improved postural alignment and seamlessly integrate everyday guidance to foster healthy physical habits.

Specializes in: - Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - Migraine/headaches - Postural alignment issues - Musculo skeletal - Digestive issues - Pre-surgery/post-surgery - Post-traumatic injuries - Baby/infants - Pregnancy related soreness - Post-child birth aches & pains

Spécialisé en: - Articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM) - Migraines/maux de tête - Problèmes d’alignement postural - Système musculosquelettique - Problèmes digestifs - Pré-chirurgie/post-chirurgie - Blessures post-traumatiques - Bébés/nourrissons Douleurs liées à la grossesse - Douleurs et inconfort post-accouchement

In patient care, my primary goals involve effectively managing inflammation and irritation while ... Lire davantage

My main goal is to help clients achieve their fitness goals through tailored exercises and training programs. By instilling confidence, I empower clients to pursue their fitness journeys independently with proper techniques and form. I aspire to contribute to building a healthy society.

Specializes in: - Weight loss prevention - Strength training - Calisthenics - Weight lifting - Mobility movement - Endurance training - Bodybuilding

Spécialisé en: - Prévention de la perte de poids - Entraînement en force - Calisthénie - Haltérophilie - Mouvement de mobilité - Entraînement en endurance - Musculation

My main goal is to help clients achieve their fitness goals through tailored exercises and traini... Lire davantage

Most people address me as Steve, but Stephen is fine. I started working as an Osteopath in February 2017 and became fully licensed in the fall of 2019. Before working as an Osteopath, I was a teacher for 10 years, seven of which were as a High School Physical Education teacher. Since the fall of 2005, I have been a part-time personal trainer, but now I prefer working as a group instructor.

What led me to Osteopathy was experiencing frustration when personal training clients would express their physical ailments and I was unable to help them. After acquiring the skills as an Osteopath, I can now tremendously help people with their discomfort and pain. However, I firmly believe that people can help themselves a lot more than I can.

As your Osteopath, I may be able to help you in ways that are difficult to achieve on your own. I will also provide you with tools such as yin yoga, stress management, and advice on ergonomics to direct you towards a pain-free and comfortable life.

Specializes in: - Musculoskeletal pain - Mobility - Digestive disorders - Chronic Migraines/Headaches - Endometriosis (reduction of menstrual pain) - Fascial Paralysis

Most people address me as Steve, but Stephen is fine. I started working as an Osteopath in Februa... Lire davantage

My goal is not only to relieve clients from pain but also to heighten their awareness, enabling them to understand what’s happening in their bodies and assisting them in optimizing their recovery through exercises and massages.

Specializes in: - Deep Tissue - Sports massage - Therapeutic massage - Cupping therapy

Spécialisé en: - Massage en profondeur - Massage sportif - Massage thérapeutique - Ventouses thérapeutiques

My goal is not only to relieve clients from pain but also to heighten their awareness, enabling t... Lire davantage

Dedicated to aiding clients in reaching their objectives, restoring their ability to engage in activities, and fostering independence in pain management. I achieve this through a professional approach centered on education, goal setting, and tailored exercise programs.

Specializes in: - Musculoskeletal pain - Sports injuries - Chronic pain - Lifestyle modification - Injury prevention

Spécialisé en: - Douleur musculo-squelettique - Blessures sportives - Douleur chronique - Modification du mode de vie - Prévention des blessures

Dedicated to aiding clients in reaching their objectives, restoring their ability to engage in ac... Lire davantage

 Stanley a toujours été adepte de l’activité physique. Il a d’abord été initié au gym par son frère aîné. Pour lui, ce fut le coup de foudre. Stanley a utilisé toutes ses ressources pour devenir un expert dans son domaine. Il est d’abord devenu entraîneur en 2014, et en 2018, il obtient son diplôme en kinésiologie de l’UQAM. Avec tout son baggage de connaissances acquises, il aide ses clients à atteindre leurs objectifs les plus fous. Possédant une certification avec Precision Nutrition, en calisthénie, FST et en entraînement en ligne, Stanley sait comment s’adapter à tous les corps et peut vous aider à adopter des habitudes de vie plus saines ! Fait amusant, Stanley est également comédien. Gardez l’oeil ouvert, vous pourrez peut-être le repérer dans des publicités ou dans votre émission de télévision préférée. 

Stanley has always been adept at physical activity. He was first introduced to the gym by his older brother. For him, it was love at first sight. Stanley sought out all the knowledge he could to become an expert in his field. At first, he became a trainer in 2014, and in 2018, he graduated from UQAM in kinesiology. He uses his education to share his knowledge of the human body, helping his clients reach their wildest goals. With a certification in Precision Nutrition, Calisthenics, FST and online training, Stanley understands how to adapt to all bodies and can support you in becoming your healthiest self! Fun fact, Stanley enjoys acting. Keep a lookout to spot him in commercials or possibly your favourite tv show.

 Stanley a toujours été adepte de l’activité physique. Il a d’abord été initié au gym par son frè... Lire davantage

My intention with my practice of kinesiology is to assist my clients in improving their relationship with their body and exercise. I use movement as a tool to help my clients reconnect with their body, to understand what it needs, to learn to respect it, and to celebrate it for all it does for us everyday.

Specializes in: - Injury prevention - Rehabilitation - Cardiovascular and strength training - Posture - Perinatal training (pre-natal, postpartum) - Motivational interviewing

My intention with my practice of kinesiology is to assist my clients in improving their relations... Lire davantage

Guide clients in setting achievable goals and making sustainable health changes, tailor support to their current goals and needs, and assist in reaching the next health milestone.

Specializes in: - Sports nutrition - Weight management - Chronic disease management (cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes) - Food intolerances - Celiac disease and IBS - Lifestyle optimization (sleep, stress management, energy levels) - Chronic Inflammation

Spécialisé en: - Nutrition sportive - Gestion du poids - Gestion des maladies chroniques (cholestérol, hypertension, diabète) - Intolérances alimentaires - Maladie cœliaque et syndrome de l’intestin irritable - Optimisation du mode de vie (sommeil, gestion du stress, niveaux d’énergie) - Inflammation chronique

Guide clients in setting achievable goals and making sustainable health changes, tailor support t... Lire davantage

Cynthia studied communications and has always been fascinated by the transmission of a message, information or change that it can create in a subject. She thought she was working in advertising/marketing. From an early age, she has always practiced physical activities such as gym training, volleyball, dancing, cycling and running. It was only when she began to practice yoga that she decided to reorient herself and take a training approved by the Yoga Alliance of Ganja Yoga. This training was able to teach her concepts of biomechanics of the human body that made her want to learn more about the anatomy and physiology of the human body but also awakened in her the ‘mindset’ that comes with a healthy lifestyle. She is intrigued by the way we treat our bodies on a daily basis in today’s society and that can have a direct impact on our quality of life. She now adds fascial stretch therapy to her skillset, which she believes is one of the most effective ways to relax, become more comfortable in her body and mind and optimize her physical and mental abilities to thus take the first step in the goal of becoming the best version of oneself.

Cynthia studied communications and has always been fascinated by the transmission of a message, i... Lire davantage

As a personal trainer with over two years of experience, a dedicated fitness instructor, and a certified stretch therapist specializing in fascia stretch therapy, I am passionate about enhancing people’s well-being and functionality. My focus on fascia stretch therapy allows me to address muscular tension and improve flexibility by targeting the body’s connective tissue. I am committed to helping clients feel their best through personalized fitness programs and therapeutic stretching techniques that promote relaxation, mobility, and overall health.

Currently, unable to provide insurance receipts.

As a personal trainer with over two years of experience, a dedicated fitness instructor, and a ce... Lire davantage

I’m a strength coach with over 15 years of experience in training and performing physical evaluations. I’ve worked with athletic individuals as well as clients with musculoskeletal limitations. My passion is to work with motivated individuals in order to achieve their goals whether it is to be able to run a marathon or be able to walk up a flight of stairs without having any pain. I’m also a manual therapist in training so I will be able to help you recover from any discomfort that you might be experiencing.

Specializes in: - Strength and conditioning - Fitness evaluation - Exercise and mobility programming - Physical rehabilitation - Exercise therapy - Sports specific personal training

Spécialisé en: - Force et conditionnement - Évaluation de la condition physique - Programmation d’exercices et de mobilité - Rééducation physique - Thérapie par l’exercice - Entraînement personnel spécifique au sport

I’m a strength coach with over 15 years of experience in training and performing physical evaluat... Lire davantage

Known as the “happy-go-lucky” child in his family, Charlie has always been known for his positive attitude. He developed an interest in sports at a young age playing basketball and American football, which laid the foundation for his journey into fitness. He has been involved in fitness professionally for the last 10 years with multiple certifications from ACE, CHEK, Poliquin, Stretch to Win FST and is also part of the Commission des Praticiens en Médecine Douce du Québec (CPMDQ). Charlie believes that fitness does not only include looking good, but more profoundly it is the lifestyle choice of feeling good and Fascial Stretch Therapy is a big component of this lifestyle. At Optimal Stretch Clinic, Charlie is responsible for client care, personalized treatment plans as well as leading and motivating his team of therapists. Charlie prides himself in being a trusted partner for his clients, helping them accomplish their fitness goals and developing a healthy lifestyle that he feels ultimately impacts their overall well-being. The fact that some of his clients have been with him for the last 8 years and continue to come back is a testament to his ability to evolve with and maintain his clients trust.

Known as the “happy-go-lucky” child in his family, Charlie has always been known for his positive... Lire davantage

Athletic therapist, Massage therapist, Fascial Stretch therapist

My goal is to empower individuals through personalized movement-based treatments and manual techniques, improving their well-being, preventing injuries, and encouraging a positive mindset towards their rehabilitation journey.

Specializes in: - Movement and injury assessment - Rehabilitation (musculoskeletal injury, pre/post operative, acute/chronic pain management) - Preventative exercise and movement prescription - Fascial stretch therapy (FST) - Deep tissue massage and silicone cupping techniques

Spécialisé en: - Évaluation du mouvement et des blessures - Rééducation (blessures musculosquelettiques, pré/post-opératoire, gestion de la douleur aiguë/chronique) - Prescription préventive d’exercices et de mouvements - Thérapie par étirement fascial (FST) - Massage tissu profond et techniques de ventouses en silicone

Athletic therapist, Massage therapist, Fascial Stretch therapist My goal is to empower individua... Lire davantage

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